The "New" Former Chinese Leaders

万里, 难得的政治家, 64时是支援学生的. 胡温能把万里搬出来, 64 平凡是迟早的.
Wan Li – an extraordinary politician who had supported students during the June 4th incident. It is a matter of time before the verdict of June 4th is reversed.
宋平, 胡锦涛的大恩人, 他的意见定会对胡有利. 可称开明者.
Song Ping (pictured, file photo, stepped down a longer time ago) – Hu Jintao’s greatest benefactor, his views are beneficial for Hu, and he is known as someone with an open mind.
乔石, 和胡耀邦, 赵紫阳齐名的开明政治家, 曾在64期间支援赵紫阳
Qiao Shi – An open-minded politician similar to Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang, and has supported Zhao during the June 4th incident.
朱熔基, 千古奇相, 有胆有识, 一位开拓者. 有失误, 但心地善良.
Zhu Rongji - an extraordinary person since time immemorial, possess courage and insight, an explorer, made mistakes but has a kind heart.
李瑞环, 敢与和江泽民唱反调的人, 开明政治家, 仗义执言的君子.
Li Ruihuan – someone who dares to oppose Jiang Zemin, an open-minded politician, and a righteous and upright gentleman.
尉建行, 正人君子, 一个两袖清风的人, 只是太软弱.
Wei Jianxing – an upright gentleman who is uncorrupted, but too weak.
李岚清, 有学者, 艺术家风度, 退下后以音乐为爱好.
Li Lanqing – has the demeanor of a scholar and artist, and has turned to music as a hobby after he stepped down from politics.
刘华清,军头之一, 江铁杆. 转而支持胡锦涛, 还算明智.
Liu Huaqing – one of the military leaders who had turned his support to Hu Jintao, certainly a sensible thing to do.
李鹏, 大白薯一个, 号称”李副科长”. 镇压64急先锋, 三峡祸患制造者.
Li Peng – a useless fool, also known as “deputy director Li”, a frontrunner in cracking down on June 4th participants, and the originator of the Three Gorges' tragedy.
江泽民, 大言不惭, 在17大主席团中排在胡后. 像个老太太, 老态龙钟. 搞乱党, 政, 军,酿成全面腐败的人. 法轮功人士的仇敌.
Jiang Zemin – shameless in some of the things he said, and was ranked behind Hu Jintao after the 17th party congress. Looks like an old woman, and moves at an incredibly slow pace. The person responsible for messing with party, politics and military, and pervasive corruption. Also the common enemy of Falun Gong practitioners.
On reversing the June 4th verdict, the author said that it is unlikely for Qiao Shi and Wan Li to raise any opinion as they do not want to re-look at this “problem which is a pain in their hearts.” (他们不想涉及这个心中痛的问题.) But the views from Zhu Rongji and Li Ruihuan are said to be important because both of them are likely to tell the truth. (他们两个会说真话).
As for Wei Jianxing, Li Lanqing and Liu Huaqing, they are not expected to take a stand. But both Li Peng and Jiang Zemin will have “many opinions” and they’d be more interested in thinking for themselves, but on the grand pretext of thinking for the party. (意见会很多, 他们只是为自己考虑, 为党考虑只是冠冕堂皇).
胡锦涛对李鹏的意见会表示尊重,不同意的,也会给他作些解释. 江泽民的”沟通”, 不是征求意见的问题, 而是讨价还价的问题, 本质上是一场较量. 江, 朱, 二李 (李鹏,李瑞环) 被称为 “新元老”, 此四人的意见举足轻重.
("Hu Jintao will respect Li Peng's opinions, but will explain to him in areas of disagreement. As for the "communication" with Jiang Zemin, it is not an issue of seeking Jiang's opinion, but a question of bargaining, because this is in essence a competition. Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji, and the two Li's – Li Peng and Li Ruihuan – are known as the new former leaders, and their views and opinions carry considerable weight.")
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