Zhou Qiang and Hu Chunhua

这可能是个如日中天,不可限量的人物. 胡锦涛精心策划,培养李克强为接班人,又培养周强. 团中央书记, 个个是接班人. 周强可能成为中共第六代,第七代传人之一呢. 周强, 1960年4月生,湖北黄梅人, 毕业于西南政法大学,研究生学历.
(This is possibly the center of attraction and a person with immense potential. Hu Jintao who had earlier groomed Li Keqiang as a successor is now grooming Zhou as a successor to the sixth or seventh generation leadership. Zhou was born in April 1960 and holds a masters degree from Xinan Political and Legal University.)
北京大学学中文的…可能成为治党治国的专才呢 (后获中央党校研究生学历,学的是世界经济). 让常人想不到的是, 1983 年 8 月 在北大毕业后, 他就坏着一颗宏大的心, 自愿去西藏, 此后一直扎根世界屋脊, 长达23年. 内地去西藏的人都知道, 那时内地人很难生活的地方. 胡春华能坚持23年, 是作出了重大的牺牲的 (可能短寿几年).
(Hu studied Chinese in Peking University … and can possibly be a talent in running both the party and the country. He later acquired a masters degree from the Central Party School where he studied world economics. His voluntary decision to head to and work in Tibet came as a surprise to many. He lived on the roof of the world for 23 years. Those who have been to Tibet are aware that it is a harsh and difficult place to live in. But yet Hu managed to do so for 23 years. He has made incredible sacrifices (which also meant that he might have shortened his life span by a few years.)
在1989 年 64前的三月, 胡锦涛制止拉萨僧侣骚乱时,胡春华就曾任联络组组长,实为胡锦涛的秘书. 似乎胡春华对西藏情有独钟, 也是因为胡锦涛对他的信任所致. 他的前途不可限量.
("In March 1989, just prior to the June 4th incident, Hu was coordination leader when Hu Jintao tried to restrain the disturbances caused by monks in Lhasa. This meant that he was Hu’s secretary. Hu has a special affection for Tibet, and this seemed partly because of the trust that Hu Jintao has for him. His future is beyond estimation.”)
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