Lung Yingtai's Great River Great Sea 1949

Titled 大江大海一九四九 (or "Great River Great Sea Untold Stories of 1949") it is a compilation of stories of those who had, or who had not, survived the bloody and protracted Chinese civil war.
The book detailed how lives had been irreversibly changed by the unforgiving tides of history, and contained heart-wrenching accounts of those who had left behind relatives, friends and hometowns to begin uncertain lives in alien lands.
I sighed at the mindlessness, futilities and ironies of war.
Such as the 89 year-old former soldier who was held by the Japanese as a prisoner of war. When Lung contacted Li Weixun, Li reportedly said "I now know why all my fellow soldiers had died and I, Li Weixun, had lived till today. I am waiting for this phone call."
Such as Lung's description of a site where over 3000 corpses were uncovered, and where their "mainly 17-year old" eyes were still open "like dried fishes staring blankly into the skies."
Such as this former soldier’s account:
This is possibly a book that will be etched in my mind for a long time to come. And to think that I do not even like war-related books. But Lung has always been an all-time favorite Chinese writer.
In the final chapter of the book, Lung wrote:
在蒙蒙的光阴隧道里,妻子仍在寻找丈夫,女儿仍在寻找父亲,兄弟仍在寻找兄弟。那被寻找的,是天地无情中一堆破碎的骸骨呢,还是茫茫人海中一个瘦弱的,失忆的老人? .。。。
太多的债务,没有理清;太多的恩情,没有回报;太多的伤口,没有愈合;太多的亏欠,没有补偿 。。。太多,太多的不公平,六十年来,没有一声“对不起”。我不管你是哪一个战场,我不管你是谁的国家,我不管你对谁效忠,对谁背叛,我不管你是胜利者还是失败者,我不管你对正义或不正义怎么诠释,我可不可以说,所有被时代践踏,污辱,伤害的人,都是我的兄弟,我的姐妹?
I usually try to translate, but for powerful prose like the ones cited above, perhaps I should not attempt to.
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