Zeng Qinghong

Even though Zeng was a protégé of former leader Jiang Zemin (江泽民), he made sure – after becoming a member of the Politburo Standing Committee (PSB) - that he worked with Hu, while avoiding any appearance of open assistance from Jiang, though he had reportedly secretly assisted the “Jiang clique”.
Soon after the new PSB line-up was announced after the 16th Party Congress, Zeng was pictured at the Xibaibo (西柏坡) Memorial with Hu. Xibaibo is a small village located in Pingshan County, Hebei province. From May 1948 to March 1949, the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army set up their headquarters in the village. Since then, Xibaipo had been symbolically seen as one of the pivotal origins of New China. So when Zeng was pictured there with Hu, the rumor going round at that time was that “it is impossible for two tigers to live in the same mountain.”
But events have proven these rumors wrong as Zeng actively supported Hu. Through his leadership at the Central Party School, Zeng promoted and propagated Hu’s thinking. Zeng also reportedly made important contributions in the reform of the personnel system and inner-party democracy within the Party using his “superb intelligence.” (利用高智商为胡锦涛谋划)
“胡锦涛提拔那么多 ”团派”, 没有曾庆红的赞同是不可能的. 胡扳倒了那么多腐败高官, 直至拿下陈良宇, 都有曾庆红的支援. 海外媒体称, 扳倒陈良宇, 是胡曾连手干的.” (中共政局全破译, 极目 编著, 新文化图书有限公司, 2007.)
“Without Zeng’s approval, it is impossible for Hu to promote many within the “tuanpai” (literally “league faction”, which means cadres and government officials who originated from the Communist Youth League). Zeng’s support was also important in leading to the fall of several corrupted senior officials such as Chen Liangyu. The foreign media reported that the fall of Chen Liangyu was due to the joint effort of Hu and Zeng.”
Zeng was also described as “progressive” as he had visited Zhao Ziyang during the disgraced former Chinese Premier's final days.
“曾庆红在出席委内瑞拉期间赶上赵紫阳与世长辞, 他曾对记者发表看法, 肯定赵紫阳做过一些有益的贡献 (同时不得不说赵犯了”严重错误”). 二是参加纪念胡耀邦诞辰90周年座谈会, 会议由温家宝主持. 曾在会上发表热情洋溢的讲话,充分肯定胡耀邦, 表达了对胡耀邦的敬仰.”
“Zhao died when Zeng was in Venezuela. Zeng reportedly spoke to reporters and reaffirmed the useful contributions made by Zhao (even though he also added that Zhao had committed “serious errors”). He also attended the 90th anniversary seminar of Hu Yaobang’s birth which was chaired by Wen Jiabao. Zeng made a warm and exuberant speech and positively reaffirmed Hu Yaobang, and expressed his respect and admiration for Hu.”
曾庆红是靠江泽民上去的. 他为江泽民立下汗马功劳. 江泽民执掌中共的13年中, 经济, 社会和政治的稳定, 都有曾庆红的贡献. 曾庆红出生 “满门英烈” (毛泽东当年在井冈山对曾庆红的父亲曾山家庭的评语) 家庭, “根红苗壮”. 非常之人有非常之功. 曾庆红的劣势是身上罩着”上海帮” 的阴影 .“上海帮” 已经走向垂暮, 陈良宇的垮台更令它声名狼藉… 但”上海帮” 并非都是坏人 (“团派”也并非都是能人), 曾庆红是一个好人, 而且是一个开明的政治强人. 中共的颓势,令他心焦如焚. 但又苦无良策, 无力回天. 他看透了, 回家去了.
“Zhao owed his rise to power to Jiang, and had assisted Jiang tremendously. During the 13 years when Jiang was in power, Zeng made important contributions to economic, social and political stability. Zeng came from a revolutionary background (this accolade was bestowed by Mao Zedong in Jinggangshan on Zeng’s father Zeng Shan). Zeng is an extraordinary person with extraordinary deeds. Zeng’s disadvantage was his association with the “Shanghai clique” which was gasping for its last breath. The fall of Chen Liangyu made the clique even more disreputable. But not all within the “Shanghai clique” are bad guys (just as the “tuanpai” are not all competent men). Zeng is a good person and an open-minded political strongman. The decline of the CCP was extremely worrying to him but he could not think of a way to salvage the Party. He has seen through it and has decided to call it quits.”
曾庆红在中央干了18年, 铺佐两位总书记,够辛苦的. 凭他的智谋, 为党内外的协调出了大力. 支援胡锦涛的观点和工作有些建树. 激流勇退, 显示出落落大方. 因年龄退下, 对中共高层是个损失. 江泽民支援他退下, 令人费解.
“Zeng has worked in the Central government for 18 years and had assisted two secretary-generals. It was extremely hard work. With his intelligence and ability, he has made important contributions both within and outside the party, especially in supporting Hu. He has exemplified graciousness in stepping down citing his age, and this is a lost to the Party. It is puzzling as to why Jiang supported Zeng’s retirement.”
While the author gave high marks to Zeng, he also pointed to a “devious” side of Zeng during Hu's visit to Hong Kong in 2007 on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China.
Over 1000 Falungong practitioners from Taiwan were barred from entering the territory and the author said this was instigated by Zeng to “apply pressure” on Hu. But how so? It was not explained in the book.
Another incident depicting the “devious” side of Zeng occurred the same year in August when Hu was in Russia to witness a military drill organized by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
During the visit, two Chinese scholars reportedly said that China wanted to dispose of its American bonds, a move which had supposedly angered Bush. Zeng had reportedly instructed the scholars to make the comments. Hmm.
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