Does Shi Huang Ti Pay Taxes?

China's problem of exaggerating or even lying about production and other economic figures had taken on a new twist.
According to Chinese writer Liu Tao (刘涛) in his article 节目外的话 (or "Beyond the Programme", in 空谈 (Empty Talk or Airwave Talk, Zhongguo Guangbo Dianshi Publishing Press, 2000), the taxation bureau in Mengcheng, Anhui (安徽省蒙城县) had consistently exceeded its collection target.
But upon investigation, it was revealed that among the names that appeared on taxpayers' list were those dead and alive. They include:
秦始皇- Shih Huang-Ti
刘邦 - Liu Bang
叶利钦- Boris Yeltin
克林顿 - Bill Clinton
Even names of top Chinese leaders were used, and in the same order according to their rankings and hierarchies in the government!
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