Monday, September 24, 2007

Further Social Phenomenon in China

One last entry based on Xie Sizhong's (解思忠) 国民素质忧思录 (A Chronicle of Worries and Contemplation about the Caliber of Our Citizens, 香港三联书店, 1998).

1. A Chinese elementary school student was found sleeping during a history class. Infuriated, the teacher asked: "Tell me, who burnt down Yuan Ming Yuan (圆明园, or the Old Summer Palace, pictured)?" The student replied: "It wasn't me."

Even more infuriated, the teacher ordered the student to go home and ask his parents. The next day, the parents showed up in school and exclaimed: "How can you accuse our son of burning down Yuan Ming Yuan! We can guarantee you that he didn't do it!"

2. Nobel laureate Yang Chen-ning (杨振宁) once visited Changchun (长春) and was greeted at the airport by well-wishers displaying welcoming posters and placards bearing his name. His arrival coincided with the arrival of a popular entertainer whose supporters were also holding up welcoming posters and placards. The latter group asked in bewilderment: "Who is Yang Chen-ning? What songs did he sing?"


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