Green Terror in Taiwan

Writer Chen Sen (陈岑) suggested that even though Taiwan had lifted martial law two decades ago, the reign of terror had not been eradicated. Rather, it had taken on a new form.
In his article titled 台湾戒严20年:从"白色恐怖"到"绿色恐怖" (Two Decades After Taiwan Lifts Its Martial Law: From "White Terror" to "Green Terror") dated July 2007, Chen argued that since the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP, 民进党) came into power, it had launched and waged an "ideological struggle." On the pretext of "national security", the DPP had been on the constant look-out for "spies."
As Chen wrote: "(The DPP) often labels those who are pro-unification as "joining forces with the Communists to sell out Taiwan." This had placed Taiwan society in a frightened and precarious political environment. Little wonder that many had described the unscrupulous methods undertaken by the DPP to attack its political opponents as "green terror." (Green being the color of DPP)
Chen also argued that with a leader like Chen Shui-bian (陈水扁) who incessantly preaches an anti-communist doctrine, his deputies are similarly, albeit deliberately, paranoid. Former defense minister Lin Chung-pin (林中斌) claimed he once rode in a taxi driven by a "commie spy" in Taipei. Ditto for vice-president Annette Lu (吕秀莲).
When former DPP chairman Shih Ming-teh (施明德, pictured) launched a massive anti-Chen demonstration in 2006, DPP claimed that the demonstrations were orchestrated by the Communists.
When calls were made to oust Chen in a referendum, again in 2006, Green forces in south Taiwan reportedly called on their supporters to form kamikaze squads. The aim? To shed blood and lay down their lives by killing Kuomintang (国民党) leader Ma Ying-jeou (马英九) and other "China spokespersons" in Taiwan.
In conclusion, writer Chen had this to say:
"台湾, 断然不能回到一个思想和声音重新沦丧的年代. 问题在于, 当下台湾的现状正在重新浮现意识形态束缚的背影. 当解除约束的受益者重新又拾起约束的武器时, 他们已经忘了一个时代的伤痛. 今天的台湾政治, 又在通过另一种"枪弹"和"刺刀"指向台湾民众的心灵深处. 甚至连"戒严"这个词, 也成了政党互相攻击的武器, 而不是共同纪念的关键词."
"台湾戒严20年, 不但解除了国民党的专制, 也解除了人们思想的枷锁. 但是历史证明, 这种解除之后, 社会必然要用新的阵痛, 来实现次序与合理. 在填补空白的过程中, 如果台湾的民众不能以一种清醒和理智的态度来面对今天的台湾政治, 那么新的"思想戒严"又会通过"台独"分子从新侵占人们的公共空间. 所谓政治乱象的恐怖程度, 或许不亚与"白色恐怖"下的暗哑."
"Certainly Taiwan cannot return to an ideologically decayed era. But the problem is, a new and binding ideology is once again making its presence felt in today's Taiwan. Those who had benefited from the eradication of restraints are once again picking up the weapons of restraint. They have already forgotten a generation of pain. They are using different types of ammunition to point deep into the hearts of the Taiwanese people. Even the expression "lifting of martial law" has become a weapon used by political parties in attacking each other, and not an expression that is worthy of joint commemoration."
"Two decades of the lifting of martial law had not only eradicated Kuomintang authoritarianism, it had also eradicated the locks on people's minds. But history had shown that after these things had been eradicated, society will have to undergo new pangs of pain in order to reach a new and reasonable balance. During this process, the Taiwanese people must view today's Taiwan politics in a clear and rational light. Otherwise, a new "ideological martial law" - in the form of "Taiwan separatist forces" - will once again occupy the public domain. And such a reign of terror will be no less terrifying than the mute darkness we've witnessed under the period of "white terror."
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